Barbiturates Withdrawal & Treatment
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About Barbiturate Withdrawal
Barbiturates are not widely used today, but if you or a loved one is addicted to a barbiturate and have tried to stop, you know how unsettling the experience can be when withdrawal symptoms begin to appear. They are enough to drive almost anyone to keep using the drug. It’s what barbiturate dependence is, after all. Someone who is physiologically dependent on a barbiturate needs to keep using the drug in order to feel okay. If they stop or suddenly and significantly reduce their intake, withdrawal symptoms inevitably appear.
As is normally thought to be the case with caffeine, substance dependence can be relatively harmless at times. Many experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when they quit drinking coffee, but few people think caffeine addiction is very concerning. Unfortunately, barbiturate dependence and withdrawal are dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Medical detox is required for a safe and effective barbiturate withdrawal experience.

Daylight Detox Is A Barbiturate Withdrawal Treatment Center
Barbiturate addiction and withdrawal require professional medical assistance. Withdrawal symptoms range in severity from mild to deadly. Medical detox should be undertaken in an accredited barbiturate withdrawal treatment center. With highly personalized and effective barbiturate detox programs, Daylight Recovery Center makes the barbiturate withdrawal experience as safe and comfortable as possible.
Barbiturate Withdrawal Timeline And Severity
The length and severity of withdrawal depend on different things which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- the specific barbiturate used
- how long the drug takes to leave the body
- length of time dependent on the drug
- frequency of use
- dosage
Most withdrawal symptoms are usually gone after about two weeks, but some can persist. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia can last for months, and drug cravings can lead to relapse. Barbiturate withdrawal aftercare treatment is important for continued long-term success.
Barbiturate Withdrawal Timeline
Days after last drink:
- Days 1 – 3 – Nausea and vomiting can occur, and an increased heart rate and insomnia are common. A person will feel agitated and restless. By the third day, symptoms can be at their peak. Seizures and hallucinations are possible. A more extreme possible symptom is delirium.
- Days 4 – 7 – Withdrawal symptoms can begin to dissipate at about Day 5. Irritability, mood swings, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and drug cravings can persist. Continued medical detox is important.
- After Day 7 – In some cases, physical withdrawal symptoms are mostly gone after Day 7. However, withdrawal can last up to two weeks or more. In any case, psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety can and often do persist for a long period of time. Continued barbiturate withdrawal aftercare treatment is crucial for long-term success.

The Best Barbiturate Withdrawal Treatment Programs
Barbiturate withdrawal is a serious matter that requires around-the-clock medical supervision and care. Because of this, inpatient medical detox is recommended in most cases. Inpatient rehab facilities provide barbiturate detox programs, medical care, therapy, integrative treatments, and other services. Daylight Recovery Center utilizes proven treatment methods in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Barbiturate Withdrawal Medications
When treating barbiturate withdrawal, phenobarbital is sometimes used as a replacement for the addicting substance. It is a long-acting barbiturate that provides more constant blood levels than short-acting barbiturates and can be tapered safely under medical supervision. Symptom-specific medications are administered for nausea, depression, anxiety, and more. Select medications can also be given in case of an emergency, and it highlights the necessity of medical detox. Withdrawal should never be attempted at home.
Dangers Of Barbiturate Withdrawal
Because the symptoms and severity of barbiturate withdrawal depend on a number of different variables, it isn’t possible to say who is at increased risk of the dangers associated with more severe symptoms. However, seizures, depression, and anxiety can lead to dangerous outcomes. Delirium is possible, and in some cases, circulatory failure and death can occur.
Get Confidential Help 24/7
If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.
Treatment Type
- Alcohol Withdrawal & Treatment
- Ambien Withdrawal & Treatment
- Barbiturates Withdrawal & Treatment
- Benzodiazepine Withdrawal & Treatment
- Cocaine Withdrawal & Treatment
- Fentanyl Withdrawal & Treatment
- Heroin Withdrawal & Treatment
- Inhalant Withdrawal & Treatment
- Methamphetamine Addiction
- Opioid Withdrawal & Treatment
Get confidential help 24/7.
If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does barbiturate withdrawal last?
Barbiturates are a class of sedative drugs that differ in terms of how long their effects last. As a result, how long a barbiturate withdrawal period lasts depends on the particular barbiturate used. It also depends on the method by which it’s used, the severity of a person’s barbiturate dependence, and more. Withdrawal can last anywhere from 4 – 7 days and up to 14 days or more.
What does barbiturate withdrawal feel like?
With withdrawal symptoms that include agitation, nausea, vomiting, seizures, tremors, anxiety, aggression, and more, barbiturate withdrawal is unpleasant and dangerous. Heart failure and death are possible. Our caring team at Daylight Recovery Center makes the barbiturate withdrawal experience as safe and comfortable as possible.
What are the symptoms of heroin withdrawal?
Barbiturate withdrawal symptoms can include the following and more:
- Abdominal cramps
- Restlessness
- Hallucinations
- Delirium
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Anxiety
- Seizures
- Tremors
Circulatory failure and death are possible.
When does barbiturate withdrawal start?
Depending on the type of barbiturate used and the method by which it’s taken, withdrawal symptoms begin to appear within 12 hours after the last dose. Withdrawal from longer-acting barbiturates usually starts within 1 or 2 days after the last dose.
What is withdrawal from barbiturates?
Barbiturate withdrawal is what someone who is dependent on a barbiturate experiences when they stop or significantly reduce their use of it. The combination of mental and physical effects can last up to 14 days or more. With a long list of symptoms that range in severity from mild to life-threatening, withdrawal from barbiturates is dangerous and should only be experienced under medical supervision. If you are addicted to a barbiturate, receiving treatment at a barbiturate withdrawal treatment center can help you recover safely and discover a new future.
What helps barbiturate withdrawal?
Barbiturate withdrawal symptoms are most safely managed at an inpatient drug withdrawal treatment facility, where 24-hour care is given. Staff can quickly address any issues or emergencies that could arise. Barbiturate withdrawal is dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Aside from more severe symptoms like delirium, hallucinations, and seizures, circulatory failure and death are possible. Daylight Recovery Center can help you get through barbiturate withdrawal as safely and comfortably as possible. Our personalized recovery and barbiturate withdrawal treatment programs can help you effectively recover from your dependence on, and addiction to, barbiturates.
What is inpatient heroin addiction treatment?
Inpatient barbiturate withdrawal treatment is care that is given in a residential treatment facility. It is typically more intensive than outpatient care, which is not residential. As a Daylight Recovery Center patient, you receive personalized, 24/7 barbiturate withdrawal and addiction recovery care in a setting that is highly optimized to help you overcome your addiction and move forward successfully.
What is outpatient heroin addiction treatment?
Outpatient barbiturate withdrawal treatment is non-residential treatment given to patients who do not need intensive, 24-hour care. Outpatient programs allow people to go about their daily lives and periodically go to a treatment center until the program is completed. However, barbiturate addiction and withdrawal are serious and potentially life-threatening. Inpatient care is recommended. Daylight Recovery Center’s focused and personalized barbiturate treatment programs are designed to be as effective and efficient as possible with experienced staff on hand 24/7.